thorsten keller | coffee table mags | hamburg.
spotlight on hamburg | thorsten keller.
Name: Thorsten Keller
Age: 34
Star Sign: Aquarius
Hometown: Syke
Describe yourself in 3 words or less: Magazine-Coffee-Nerd
How did Coffee Table Mags come about? I’m completely addicted to independent magazines. As there was no shop in Hamburg, for those kind of magazines, which I love, I thought about launching this shop by myself. Chance brought it about, that friends of mine wanted to open their first coffee shop and asked me, if I would like to take part with a curated rack full of independent magazines, which the customers can read and buy. So I did it. Apart from that I also launched an online shop, where you can buy even more international independent magazines.
We only have 24 hours here, where would you take us? The base of every day is a good breakfast. So we start at Caffè Latte (Wohlwillstraße 49). They have great food, even vegan and the coffee is good to (even though it is more the classic Italian roast). If you like it sweet, try the brioche and a cappuccino. But they have also fantastic sandwiches. After that, I would walk to the harbor (it’s a 20 minute walk from there). There (Landungsbrücken) we could take the ferry to Elbstrand (Oevelgönne). The beach is nice with a fantastic view on the container port and there’s also a nice path where you can walk and look at the beautiful houses in that area. After that, I would take the ferry back to Dockland, walk up to Ottensen and have lunch at Klippkroog (Große Bergstraße 255). They have fantastic food (it changes all the time) and good coffee too. It’s also a very nice place to be. From Altona I would take the S-Bahn to Dammtor and walk through Planten un Blomen. It’s a divine park, which was originally created for a gardening exhibition in 1897. At one end of Planten un Blomen we could walk into Neustadt to the Public Coffee Roasters (Wexstraße 28), where my magazine shop is located in. They have the best coffee in town and great cake. Then I would walk to Gängeviertel and have a look at the old buildings and street art. For dinner I would drive back to Ottensen. There you can find the restaurant Leaf (Eulenstraße 38). It’s a vegan restaurant with small, but excellent menu. Cause it’s also a small place, I would recommend to do a reservation before. After our bellies are completely filled, we could drive with the S-Bahn back to the harbor and walk through the old Elbtunnel. On the other side you can sit close to Elbe, enjoy a beer and have an great view on Hafenstraße and Landungsbrücken. At the end, I would walk back to Schanze—in the same street, where we’ve started the day—and have lot’s of drinks in the Toast bar (Wohlwillstraße 54) until we call it the day.
Favorite coffee / breakfast spot? Apart from the Public Coffee Roaster, I would recommend the coffee at Stockholm Espresso Club (Peter-Marquard-Straße 8). Breakfast at Mikkels (Kleine Rainstraße 10) is also fantastic. But their coffee is not so good.
And best place for a fun dinner with friends? Mazza (Moorkamp 5) is fantastic! Syrian kitchen with any menu. You just get lots and lots of small bowls with different things, so you can try everything.
Favorite place to shop? Human Empire (Schulterblatt 132). Lot’s of great graphic design. But also nice clothes and things for your home. Graphic related books and magazines too.
Any galleries you can recommend? Deichtohallen! They always have fantastic exhibitions. Especially “Haus der Photographie“.
Favourite weekend getaway outside of Hamburg? The sea or Wendland. It’s a small part at the old border of Germany, where is nothing but countryside and farms. But from Ascension Day to Whitsun there is “Kulturelle Landpartie”, where you can explore beautiful places, eat a lot of great homemade stuff, listen to concerts and buy stuff like porcelain.
Who is inspiring you right now? James Turrell. I love his art! It’s so inspiring!
Who is on your stereo? Spoon – They Want My Soul.
Words you live by… Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.
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